
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Road Trip {1} : Tupelo, Mississippi.

Last week we returned from our ten day road trip from Florida to Mississippi to Tennessee to Louisiana.  It was a lot of time in the car, but it was worth it!  On the way to Tupelo, Mississippi (my mom's hometown) we stopped in Montgomery, Alabama for the night and then headed to The Summit in Birmingham, Alabama for lunch and shopping.  We arrived in Tupelo in the late afternoon on Wednesday July 25th and then went to dinner with two of my mom's sisters and my Uncle Morgan.  We don't get to see each other too often, so it's always tons of fun when we are able to get together (remember this post).

{Tupelo's iconic TVA sign near downtown}

One of my favorite parts about visiting Tupelo is all the yummy (and unhealthy) food that I get to eat while I'm there.  One of my favorite (unhealthy) stops in Tupelo is Connie's Fried Chicken for breakfast.  Of course, Mom and I went there first thing on Thursday morning.  The chicken biscuits and blueberry donuts are my favorite! Yummy!

{Connie's Chicken Biscuit & Blueberry Donut}

{After dinner at Harvey's with my mom's best friend, Lynn & Aunt Janice, my mom's oldest sister.}

On Saturday Gigi, Mom's youngest sister, and Uncle Randy came to town with their grandson Smith.  He was almost one year old and looks so different from the last time we saw him.  He is growing so fast!  He can walk now, it was so much fun to see him!

{I can't believe my sweet baby cousin Smith turned 1 last Friday!}

Isn't this the cutest picture you've ever seen?

On another note, my cousin Mac and his wife, Chaney, gave birth to a baby girl last Thursday named Maisie Sage!  I cannot wait to meet her.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Smith is so precious! Ahhhh he's too cute! It looks like you had a wonderful trip!

    P.S. Thanks so much for the follow! Have a great day!


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