
Monday, July 29, 2013

Back to School :: Desks

School is right around the corner so now is a perfect time to make sure your desk is in tip-top shape.  A well organized desk is key to a student's success.  It's important to have a comfortable chair, drawer or cabinet space to store all your supplies and enough space to spread out your books and supplies.  In my room at home (AKA my parents house) I have a desk from PB Teen that I got in high school.  It has two drawers on the left side and one drawer and a shelf on other right side.  The desk is about the size of the one pictured above, but I could totally use more space sometimes.  In college I loved studying in the library or at my kitchen table.  A small desk was not sufficient space.  I always preferred to spread out all my study materials (laptop, notebook, notecards, textbook, iPad, pens, planner).

If you're living in a dorm room chances are your room will come furnished with a bed, desk and side table.  If it doesn't or if you're living in an apartment with limited space, this small desk from PB Teen is perfect for you!  I love how sleek and simple it looks.  A very classic and sophisticated look.

Now that I have graduated college and am no longer in school (at least for the time-being), I no longer have 6+ hour long study/homework sessions where I'm stuck at a desk (check out my college desk) or in the library.  However, I am working for an local company where I do have to do some work from home (plus blogging) so it is still important for me to have a functional desk/home office.  In a perfect world I would have a home office like the one above... maybe one day!

Organizing a dorm room can be difficult.  After all you have two of everything!  Making sure that each roommate has enough space to study, get ready and relax can be extremely difficult... and we all know how much stuff (and clothes) college girls have!  Try to layout your furniture in the more efficient way possible to give everyone as much room as possible before unpacking.  Think about what you'll be using the room for... it will be your bedroom, study, living room, kitchen and dressing room for the next  8-10 months so do your best to set it up efficiently and logically (plus you won't want to move everything once you've unpacked).

Check out 5 Ways to Organize a Dorm Room for some great tips!

Decor 2 Ur Door is a great site for girls going off to college for the first time in August.  It's a great resource for you and your roommate to be able to look through all the options online and decide on bedding, decorations and more without having to be in the same city (perfect if you don't know your roommate before you move-in).

Check out their blog for more ideas! 

Follow my Back to School Pinterest board for everything you need to get back into the academic sing of things.

Are you living in a dorm or apartment this year?  I want to hear from you... How are you decorating your study space?


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