
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Weekend Links.

Hi Everyone! I am finally back to blogging after being on a hiatus for almost three months.  Work, Junior League and just life in general has been so busy and I have not had time for blogging.  I have really missed it and hope to be able to continue blogging more over the holiday and in 2016.  As we go into the crazy holiday shopping season, there will be so many fun topics to blog about.

Here are a few fun things to start your new week.

1.  The perfect holiday popcorn.

2.  5 ways brands are building their Snapchat audience.

3.  How to travel with pets.

4.  Justin Bieber carpool karaoke.

5.  Loving all this fringe from Anthropologie.

6.  Follow my holiday board on Pinterest.

7.  L.L. Bean's Duck Boot still in style after 100 years.

8.  J.Crew crewneck sweater with edged lace.

9.  Bobbi Brown limited editing Bellini mini lip & eye palette.

10.  Simple and elegant holiday wreath.

What are you reading/watching/listening to/buying this weekend?


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