
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Orange & Blue

College football kicked off this Saturday.  College football and basketball are two of my all time favorite past times.  When fall roles around, not only does cooler weather arrive, but so does a lot of fun!  In honor of my favorite time of year, I sported my favorite colors of fall, orange and blue, at work on Friday.  It really helped me get pumped for the big weekend.  Sadly, when Saturday rolled around, the opening UF home game was rained out.  Thousands of Gator fans waited for about three hours in hopes of seeing the Gator's play.  But, no such luck... all my loyal Gators will simply have to wait a few more days for some GATOR FOOTBALL! I guess I'll have to wear orange and blue again this Friday.

Orange: textured-stripe short // ballet flats // v-neck sweater // cami
Blue: pumps // bracelet // tank // dress // corduroy pants

Do you sport your team colors and support your school's team?


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  1. These were my school colors too! I now find myself wearing all my orange and navy looks to work.

  2. Great colors !


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