
Wednesday, August 13, 2014


My mom and I recently did a quick clean out of some of our old clothes and sent them to Twice.  Twice allows you to sell your gently used clothing, shoes or accessories for cash and then resells them in their online store.  It is so simple! All you have to do is get a box, fill it with your old clothes (in great condition) and mail them to Twice.  The best part, shipping is free!  Oh, and if Twice doesn't purchase all your items, they will donate them to charity free of charge.

Shortly after we mailed our stuff to Twice we received an email letting us know what they would pay for the items we sold and which items they would not take.  The greatest part… we got cash for the clothes they would buy, and donated the clothes they wouldn't! It was a win-win!

Find out what brands Twice takes here.

Have you sold to Twice?


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