
Saturday, August 30, 2014

5 Things To Do During Allergy & Cold Season

I have been feeling a bit under the weather the past few days.  I was able to power through work Thursday and Friday and I am elated for the long weekend.  Last night after work, I came home and simply relaxed.  It was a nice change of pace after a busy week of traveling, working and Junior League.  Since I have been recovering from a cold, I thought I would put together some tips for what to do when you're feeling a cold coming along.  And, of course, make sure to wash your hands and use hand sanitizer to help avoid any colds coming on. 

Get plenty of rest | This is a given.  When you're rundown, you are more susceptible to getting sick.  It is always important to get plenty of rest, but it is even more important during flu season.  Do not let your immune system get rundown!

Take lots of vitamin c | When you feel those flu symptoms coming on, add a glass of OJ to your morning routine or take vitamin c tablets.  This will help you combat sickness.  

Catch up on your favorite shows | Taking it easy and catching up on some of your favorite shows is a great way to relax and unwind when you're feeling sick.  I love curling up in bed with my iPad and watching Netflix or Amazon Prime shows on a lazy Saturday!

Wear comfy clothes (tee//shorts) | Stay home, don't wear makeup and throw on your favorite comfortable outfit for a day of resting and recouping.  

Stay hydrated | Staying hydrated is always important.  Drinking water is a great way to flush out any sickness that is trying to intrude! 

And of course, a great way to avoid the flu is, of course, getting the shot (ugh... I hate shots!).


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