
Monday, August 4, 2014

5 Fun Things To Do In August

1.  Build a bonfire for National S’mores Day on August 10th | Who doesn't love a good toasted marshmallow pared with melted chocolate and crunchy graham crackers?  It's even better if you get to sit my a warm bonfire with friends on a late summer night!  Check out this yummy recipe for s'more pop tarts.

2.  Go see Get on Up! the James Brown Story |  Summer is always filled with great blockbusters at the movie.  This month, make sure to check out the new movie, Get on up (watch the trailer here).

3.  Stock up on new office/school supplies | Back-to-school shopping season is in full swing, which means all the stores have stocked up on school supplies galore!  August is the perfect time to restock your office supplies or start fresh for the new school year.  It's also a great time to find the fabulous deals on home decor, paper products and clothes (and if your lucky... your state offers a tax-free period).  Follow my back-to-school board on Pinterest!

4.  Make watermelon lemonade | Yesterday was National Watermelon Day and even if you missed it, you can make up for it by making this thirst quenching treat on a hot day! Pinterest is full of yummy ways to make watermelon treats. 

5.  Take one last weekend trip to see the ocean | If your like me and your lucky enough to live within driving distance of the ocean, then take a long weekend trip to the beach.  September means the start of many things.  Whether your a student or not, many organization or events slow down in the summer and the end of August means the start of things again.  Before things get crazy again, take a long weekend trip to the beach with friends or family.  You'll be glad you did! 
What are five fun things you have planned for August?
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