
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Kendra's Miami Fashion Challenge

Hey Y'all! I am so excited to be participating in Kendra Thornoton's Miami fashion challenge.  Kendra is a travel expert and PR professional who has appeared on major television networks across the country and made special guest appearances on shows like The Nate Show and The Tyra Banks Show.

**** Note from Kendra about the Fashion Challenge ****
I love going to Miami! There's something about the air in South Florida that's just refreshing and exhilarating. I'm going to get plenty of sun with my husband when I visit South Beach. I'm so ecstatic that I can hardly wait to go. Planning the actual trip was super easy on the convenient userrated website gogobot. We have gotten all of our reservations and activities organized, but there's still one thing left. My wardrobe needs a serious upgrade from mommy to hot mami in Miami. I'm hoping that you can help me select some different looks for my trip. These are some details to help you pick out a few things.
Our first days in Miami are going to be spent on the beach. There's a lot to explore in South Beach like the boardwalk and historic district, but there are also a few different local restaurants here and a crazy nightlife. Any outfits that I pick have to translate from the beach to exploring Miami and then getting all dolled up for a night on the town.
We are staying in one of the nicer hotels in South Beach called the Delano Hotel. It's located right on the water and has some exceptional amenities like plush suits, huge pool and a 3,200 rooftop spa that I am dying to go to. My husband booked a full day for me there! The spa is called Club Essentia, and it's a one-of-a-kind place in South Beach to get skincare treatments, facials, massage therapy and nail care. I'm going to feel completely pampered.

I definitely need a more modern bathing suit to hit the beaches in South Beach. Every photo showed off a society of fashionistas who belonged in a magazine or catalog. I need to toss out all of my old jeans and t-shirts for some posh casual looks to wear around Miami. I know that you all can help me come up with some terrific looks that will work no matter how hot it gets on the dance floor or the beach. I’m so excited to present this challenge to you and hope that you are just as excited to help me find some new digs to wear. I'm looking forward to seeing your selections and featuring them in pictures from my trip. 

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