
Monday, February 24, 2014

Academy Award Party Inspiration

The Academy Awards are this Sunday and Ellen Degeneres is the host.  Pinterest is buzzing with Oscar party ideas!  Here are a few of my favorites.

I absolutely love cupcakes and cashmere's homemade party straws.  Simply print out black and white pictures of Academy Award nominees and attach them to fun paper straws.  Party guest will absolutely love sipping out of these adorable party decorations.

Popcorn is a must at any movie themed party.  Whether it's simply buttered, or a special flavor like cheddar, popcorn is essential to any movie watching or award show viewing shindig.  Life In Yellow put together a great menu of treats for her Oscar viewing party in 2011.

Now that you have decorations and snacks, it's time to think about entertainment.  The main source of entertainment is of course watching the red carpet and awards show, but playing a game can make the  evening even more enjoyable.  I love this fun Oscar themed bingo game idea.  Check out the official Oscar's website to download a pre-made bingo game for this year's awards.

Do you have any big plans for this year's Academy Awards?


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Images: 1, 2, 3

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