
Friday, October 18, 2013

Travel Chic

The only place I've traveled lately is to football games in Gainesville.  So I haven't really had to worry about packing a carry on bag or a suitcase since when I travel by car I can hang up some of my clothes in the backseat.  But, when I pack for an airplane trip, I always try to only bring the essentials... however, most of the time I over pack!  But, when it comes to dressing for the trip I always make sure I wear shoes that are easy to take off during security and clothes that are comfortable and warm for the airplane.  Pixie pants or leggings are the easiest to wear through security since they don't have any pockets.  Bringing a small blanket or scarf to use incase the plane is cold is also a must!  I am always cold when traveling (even in the summer).

What rules do you always follow when planning travel outfits and packing?


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  1. This outfit is such a good mix of chic & relaxed. It's so important you can feel comfortable when you're on an airplane or even in the car. I always NEED a scarf-it's perfect when you're just a little chilly or need a little pillow! Great post!

    xoxo Majda |

  2. This looks sooo comfortable! I definitely want those pants! And those boots are so cute! Hope you had a great weekend!


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