
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

In the spring I interned for the Lakeland Economic Development Council (LEDC).  I wrote articles relating to post-grad life and job searching for their blog, YLakeland.  It was so much fun getting to share my experiences joining the young professionals group, EMERGE, sharing resume/job hunting tips and talking about my overall experiences as a young professional back in my hometown of Lakeland.  While interning with the LEDC I was able to learn a great deal about my community and everything it has to offer residents of all ages.  I was able to be on the ground floor of plans the LEDC has to expand their blog (& our community) and now they are making it happen.

First off, they are hosting a video contest (if you are from the area, you should totally enter!).  Second, they are doing a whole lot to help entrepreneurs in the Lakeland area (check out Catapult Lakeland).  This is "freaking" awesome!  Third, they are continuing to promote all things cool and unique in Lakeland (check out some of the yummy places there are to eat in Lakeland).

Last week I attended my first Junior League of Greater Lakeland meeting (more on that to come).  At this meeting my former boss, Steve Scruggs of the LEDC, gave a presentation on IDEO.  IDEO is a design and innovative consulting firm from Palo Alto, CA that visited Lakeland in the spring.  While the four members of the IDEO team were visiting, I was interning with the LEDC.  I heard a great deal about all the awesome things they were doing during their visit, but seeing a full presentation really brought the whole process to life and showed me exactly how "freaking" cool it really was.  Read more about the project here!

Here is an example of videos (for the video contest) shared by!  Remember the Poor Porker from this post?  Well, they're still a "freaking" cool asset in our community!

Visit and let me know what you think of the site!


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