
Friday, August 30, 2013

3 Labor Day Outfits

Can you believe it's already Labor Day weekend?  The summer sure flew by!  Time to start phasing out all your sundresses, white and bright summer clothes and slowly transitioning to fall.  Now when I say slowly... down here in sunny Florida that transition is painfully slow.  We never know when fall will peak out from behind the bright sun and let us wear light jackets and boots without sweltering.  But, I still personally like to start phasing out my summer wardrobe even though the temps are still quite summery! 

Today I am linking-up with long distance loving to bring you three looks for this weekend (Labor Day).  Whether you're having a low-key weekend at home, heading off for one last beach weekend, or hitting the sales, it's time to pull out your favorite summer items for one last shebang! 

This weekend take advantage of your last few days of white shorts, jeans and shoes and of course those Labor Day sales!

Don't forget to head on over and check out this weeks Friday's Fancies link-up!

Happy Labor Day Weekend!


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