
Monday, July 1, 2013

Please Stick Around!

As you probably already know, as of today Google Reader is no more. So if you'd like to continue following head on over to Feedly and select one-click Google Reader import.  Or if you'd rather, go to Bloglovin and follow me there!  

If you are already a follower, thanks for sticking around... if you're new welcome! I'd love for you to follow too.

Hope you're having an excellent Monday! 


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1 comment:

  1. Hi dear, interesting post and you have an awesome blog, did we follow each other already? if not, would you like to follow each other? if you decided to follow me on BLOGLOVIN, please let me know so I can follow you back! xoxo

    Pleas don't forget to claim your blog so I can follow you!


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