
Friday, June 1, 2012

recipe : grilled granola & peanut butter sandwich.

I love when I find things that are easy to make.  I am not much of a chef, but I do love to cook at home... after all it's way easier and cheaper to simply whip something together instead of going out to eat all the time. 

Recently I have been trying to eat healthier.  As a college student I have found it difficult to eat healthy when cooking for one.  I mean, it always seems more convenient to simply run through a drive-thru or grab a bite on campus after class, but one of my new goals is to cut back on the amount of junk food that I eat.  So in the spirit of eating healthy I decided to make this simple grilled granola and peanut butter sandwich. 



Peanut Butter
1 Banana

Do you have any easy healthy recipes you love?

xo KD

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