
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Jack Sparrow

How can you not love Captain Jack Sparrow?

Probably the best character Johnny Depp has played... well, he's my favorite!  Johnny Depp has played quite a few awesome characters, but I am obsessed with Captain Jack Sparrow.  I saw a couple of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies at midnight.  Pretty much my entire senior class went in high school to the midnight showing (even some of our teachers came)... it was a lot of fun!  We even dressed up!

Love this video!

I love Jack Sparrow!

xoxo KD

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I love him too! When I was a freshman I had a life size cardboard cutout of Captain Jack Sparrow in my dorm room. I think he's still under my bed at my mom's house...


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