
Monday, February 6, 2012

the great American pastime.


I love football, but I don't really follow the pros.  I am a college girl all the way.  So, the Super Bowl doesn't really mean much to me.  To be honest I only watch for the commercials and the half time show (unless Tampa Bay or New Orleans are playing and even then I only kinda care).  But, the BCS Championship that's a game I'll watch, even if my Gators aren't in it.

Last night, I was not in the mood to really watch the game.  Normally, I will at least watch it while playing with my phone or reading a magazine, but last night I didn't even do that much...I did homework and forgot when the game even started.  But, I did watch some...mainly for the commercials and half time show.  

As an Ad major I had to know what a few of the commercials were otherwise I would be failing as a student.  Here are a few that I thought were attention grabbing.

I love the play off the classic movie, Ferris Buller's Day Off.  Great concept!

Doritos always puts out great ads.  I love this one!

This one clearly wins because David Beckham is in it...and I think it grabbed the attention of any ladies watching the game last night.

This one is just cute! I love anything with dogs in it.

Half time with Madonna was okay, but I prefer the half time of 2001.  It is my all time favorite Super Bowl half time show!

What did you think of the Super Bowl ads?  Half time?

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