
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Gift Guide :: Valentines Day

Valentine's Day is such a fun holiday.  Although I am not at all the mushy lovey-dovey kinda girl, I still love the fun decorations and cute items in all the stores.  I know Valentine's Day is a big day for all the couples out there, but that doesn't mean the single ladies (and gents) have to feel left out.  If you don't have a special someone to buy you a gift buy one for yourself or get together with one of your single friends and plan something fun to do.  Just because you're not in a serious relationship doesn't mean you can't enjoy the spirit of the holiday. 

Whether you are looking for a gift for that special someone or are just looking to treat yourself here are a few ideas for the big day.

Russian Roulette Essie Nail Polish

Old Navy Scarf

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