
Monday, January 30, 2012

to wear or not to wear.


Should you wear it after Labor Day and before Easter?  I say sometimes.

I live in Florida and here people don't exactly follow the rules.  I constantly see people walking around campus in their white pants or shorts with white sandals on and I think to myself that is way too summary of an outfit for December or January.  

However, I do think it all depends on how and when you wear your white.  Personally, I think Labor Day is way too early to stop wearing all my white clothes.  In the South September and October are still very warm most of the time, so I tend to wear white through September, but stop wearing white shoes, shorts and capris in October.  Typically, in the beginning or middle of October I clean-out my closet (at school) and take all my summer clothes home.  This clean-out usually includes many sundresses (particularly the ones that are white or super bright), as well as my critter shorts and anything else that tends to scream summer time.  But, depending when Easter falls I don't always wait until after Easter Sunday to start wearing my summer clothes again.  Depending on the weather I usually start wearing my summer clothes in March or April.

Now don't get me wrong, in Florida the Fall tends to be very warm and almost summer-like, so I do still dress appropriately for the weather of the day, I simply try to make a transition into Fall/Winter whether or not the weather does. 

Wearing white jeans with a bright pink flowery shirt and sandals is not a Fall/Winter outfit (no matter how warm it is outside!).  But, wearing white jeans with boots and a darker top or jacket is okay.  You can also opt for Winter Whites.  The key is to look in the mirror and say to yourself 'does this look like the middle of summer?', if the answer is yes then think twice about it. 

Sorry if it seems like I'm ranting, well I kinda am.

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