
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

8 Things To Do During July

July is officially here.  It is hard to believe it, but Florida has had a relatively mild summer so far.  We are accustomed to scorching temps, but so far this summer hasn't been unbearable.  Usually around this time of year I am dreading going outside.  Typically my co-workers and I are eating our lunches indoors and not on the nice deck outside our office.  (Check out this article on how to look flawless at work during the summer.) This year has been surprising pleasant.  Now don't get me wrong... to most people it's hot, but to us Floridians it isn't half bad!

So, now that summer is in full swing, and since the temps outside are nice and warm, it's time to take advantage!  Give three cheers to America on Independence Day and celebrate the summer by adding these 10 things to your to-do list this month.

1.  Treat yourself like a princess while celebrating Princess Diana's birthday.  (July 1)

2.  Pick out your best red, white and blue outfit for an Independence Day party.  (July 4)

3.  Binge-watch episodes of One Tree Hill (all 9 season are now on Netflix!) in honor or Sophia Bush's 33rd birthday.  (July 8)

4.  Re-read the American classic, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee in preparation for her new book, Go Set a Watchman.  (July 14)

5.  Shop the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale! (July 17)

6.  Add yet another Kardashian/Jenner family TV series to your list and check out the premiere of I am Cait on E! (July 28)

7.  Stop by one of your favorite local parks in honor of National Park and Recreation Month.  Or you could always binge-watch a few episodes of the TV show on Netflix instead.

8.  Visit your favorite local ice cream shop, after all it's National Ice Cream Month!

Check out The Glitter Guide's full list of summer to-dos!

What is on your summer to-do list?


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