
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tutorial: Custom PowerPoint Background

Since February I have been working for a small advertising/public relations firm as their marketing intern (read more here).  One of my responsibilities is to develop PowerPoint presentations for meetings with clients.  However, recently I was given the task of making a presentation to my boss and co-workers.  Being an ad major (and in the College of Journalism & Communications) in college meant I was surrounded my Photoshop/Presentation/Design/Graphics Nerds 24/7!  Many of my peers used Prezi for class projects, which is a nice tool, but a little complicated for my taste (both to design and to watch).  For my final advertising presentation before graduation last December, I decide to create a custom PowerPoint background to make my teams presentation a bit more unique and professional.  I immediately headed to Google and for help in developing a custom background. is a member-only video tutorial site.  However, many colleges and universities (luckily, UF does) subscribe to's services for their students and will allow you to sign in using your student log-in information, but if you are no longer a student I highly recommend signing up if you are interested in becoming an Adobe software pro (they offer a million other programs too)! 

How to Make a Custom PowerPoint Background Using Photoshop CS6

(For Mac Users)

1. Open Photoshop CS6 on your desktop.  Then select File, New...

2.  Select Custom Size: 1024 x 768, 300 Pixels/inches.  Then save this size as a preset (Name: PowerPoint Background) to make it easy to come back to in the future.

3.  Design Your Background.  I made mine pretty simple,  I used my companies logo & a single line at the top (in the same color as the logo).  I added text/titles once I was in PowerPoint.  Once you have designed your background, save it as a .jpg to your desktop (so it's easy to find).

4.  Open PowerPoint.  Select File, New Presentation then Format, Slide Background... Select Picture or Texture and upload your file from your desktop.  Then choose Apply!

It's that simple!  Now you can add text, pictures, etc. to complete your custom PowerPoint Slideshow and wow your friends, peers or boss when they see how amazing your PowerPoint presentations look.

*For this tutorial I combined information I learned from other tutorials with my own experiences to give y'all the best advice for making your own custom backgrounds, I hope this was helpful!*

If you use a PC, let me know how this process differs on a PC!


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