
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Orange Cords

Recently, I have been obsessed with my orange corduroy pants from J.Crew.  I have been dying to dress in fall clothes, but as usual Florida has been way to warm... until this week!  The past few days it has been in the 60s until mid morning and has only been highs in the low-80s.  Not quite fall weather yet, but really pleasant temperatures.

Orange Cords | Stripe Tee (no longer available) | Blazer | Loren Hope Bracelet | Tory Burch Revas

Check out my link-up with The Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday.



  1. I love your orange cords! Sooo cute!! Your blog design is really cute too!

  2. I love your orange cords as well! I have a pair of "poppy orange" denim pants from American Eagle I love them. They go great with navy (which I have a lot of). I love your outfits that you wear with your pants! Hope you have have great day!

  3. Hi saw your blog on WIWW, and you look very cute!!! I love the Tory Burch shoes. I wearing a pair of silver ones on my blog.

    I am your newest follower, so when u get a chance please stop my blog. : ) have a great evening!


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