
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Top 5 Tuesday: Most Worn Items in My Closet

Today I am linking up with Just Peachy to bring you Top 5 Tuesday.  This weeks topic is most worn items in your closet.

1. Jackie Cardigan | I love cardigans.  I wear them all the time.  Since I live in Florida and it tends to be hot all the time, I love to wear light weight cardigans because I am almost always cold inside.  Plus, I love that these cardis come in just about any color you can imagine.

2. 5" Chinos | Chinos are another staple in my wardrobe.  The 5" chinos from J.Crew are very flattering and I think they are a great length for any body type.  Since it's so hot here I wear these shorts at least a few times a week.  They are perfect for class!

3.  Jack Rogers | These are by far my favorite pair of sandals.  They go with everything from a sundress to a pair of shorts.  They are great for spring and summer and the platinum color is perfect for transitioning into fall.  I wear these sandals way too much!

4.  Longchamp Tote | Medium Longchamp totes are perfect for just about any occasion.  Plus they pack so well, so they are great for travel.  I use mine almost every day.  It is by far my favorite bag.

 5. Pearl Earrings | Pearls are the perfect everyday earring.  They are simple and sophisticated and they go with everything.

What are the most worn items in your closet? 



  1. I have a sterling silver heavy chainlink Judith Ripka necklace that I wear several days a week. Also a pair of Coach strappy sandals that I have been wearing for much of the summer. Love this post idea :)

  2. totally my staples too. To class I'm almost always wearing 3 inch chinos(I'm very short so they look better on me), a cardigan in case it's cold, and jacks or TB sandals. I usually wear some fun accessories to snazzy it up. I try to pull a dress or skirt out here and there and then of course, I do often give in to norts.

  3. Cardigans are staples in my closet too! Although more so in the fall/winter since it's too hot out for them right now. Blazers and pencil skirts are also staples for me. I'm a new follower :)

    The Tiny Heart
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  4. Uh, those chinos!!!! The best thing ever made! I wear mine all of the time too! I have the neon pink ones from J.Crew!!!

  5. You sound just like me!! I seriously have and love every item you posted. I actually have on my J Crew pink chinos right now :)

  6. those that cardigan and shorts!!

    neat that you wear pearl earrings everyday :)

    cute blog!


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