
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Royal Fashion Update :: Pre-Olympics Event

Prince Harry and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge had a busy few weeks leading up to and during the London Olympics.  The Royal Family kicked off the Olympics with a sports day at Bacon's College, a secondary school in East London the day before the opening ceremonies.

Kate's Outfit: Hobbs Check Wessex Dress | Pied a Terre wedges | Braided Rope Belt (similar)

Would you where this look?



  1. Wow, Kate's dress is absolutely fabulous! Now following you too :)

  2. LOVE Kate's style! She always looks perfect. I mean, she must've been super busy, going from event to event everyday, but she looked polished in every photo. I've got my own post in the works for Kate Middleton's Olympic Style. I didn't write anything about that dress though...good job finding it!

    I'm your newest follower! Love it if you could come by and return the favor.


  3. I love the Duchess' style. She always looks so ladylike and well put together. Wouldn't it be fun to all get dressed up and have tea together?! :)

  4. Kate always looks breathtaking, no matter the price of her outfit!
    Great blog! Follow each other? :)



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