
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Kimberly!

Today is my roomies 21st Birthday.  Last night I spent the night at her house in Winter Park.  We went to dinner and then hung out in downtown Orlando.  It was a lot of fun!  Kim & I met at Preview for UF, it's crazy to think we are now about to be Seniors!  We lived together last year and during our month-long adventure through Italy in May.  I am so blessed to have her as my roommate and I cannot wait until August so we can live together again!

Without further ado... Kimberly!
Kim & I at a basketball game Sophomore Year.
Kim & I at Kappa Phi Junior Year.
Kim & me on the water-bus in Venice, Italy.
Kim, Tiffany, & me in Sorrento, Italy,
Beautiful Kimberly on the Spanish Steps in Rome, Italy.
Tiffany, Steven, me & Emily in Rome!

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